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The integration of green gases in the networks

The transformation of the networks involves digitisation, but not only this. Over the period 2022- 2028, Italgas planned around € 100 million of investments related to new biomethane connections. The main green gas development initiatives include:

  • the Power-to-Gas pilot project in Sardinia, near Cagliari, the very first application in the UE, aimed at verifying the whole green hydrogen chain, from the production of hydrogen from electricity produced by photovoltaic panels, to the distribution in the networks and the end uses, such as mobility, industrial applications and residential uses, which is scheduled to be launched in 2024. Italgas believes that Power-to-Gas technology is another way in which gas and electricity sectors are merging, able to offer a reliable solution to the problem of the reduced programmability of renewable resources. The plant will be connected to the new “digital native” networks that Italgas, through the associate Medea, has developed in Sardinia. The region, which was once the only one in Italy not reached by natural gas, can, in fact, today boast the country’s most modern infrastructure; a network that guarantees greater efficiency and quality of gas distribution service, and which, thanks also to this project, will allow renewable gas to be received and distributed to end customers, making the achievement of decarbonisation targets ever more concrete;
  • the design and development of a new generation, hydrogen ready Italgas smart meter, which integrates green gas metering and management functions. In 2022, the first prototype was produced and manufactured, and around 20,000 pre-series pieces are scheduled for production and field installation towards the end of 2023, followed by the subsequent commercial launch expected for end 2024;
  • the Italgas laboratory revamping plan, through the revision of the mission, the activities and their organisation, pursuing the aim of transforming them into a real centre of European excellence on the natural gas front and new renewable gases in support of the energy transition;
  • The development of a reverse flow project in support of the Italyn biomethane chain development, consisting of the design of innovative two-way distribution plants that enable the reversal of gas flow (from the local distribution network to the national transmission network) in the presence of an introduction of biomethane that cannot be completely absorbed by the distribution network during periods of low user demand. More specifically, through the development of bi-REMI cabins, the distribution network can be evolved from a mere infrastructure for taking energy to end customers to an evolved tool for the collection of gas and the relaunch onto the transmission network of renewable and non-renewable gas.