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Supplier training

In order to increasingly strengthen partnerships, Italgas launched the “HSE Partners Lab” in 2021, an active laboratory with workshops and targeted training courses that focus on ESG issues. (in addition to the technical ones, already extensively addressed in previous years). The “PARTNERS HSE LAB” project involved a significant number of suppliers on various topics of their interest. Among the workshops with the highest attendance were: “The Person in Charge and Near Misses” (with 109 participants, a total of 93 network companies and engineering suppliers), two meetings for engineering companies involved in construction site activities (26 suppliers involved, 56 participants), “Waste Management” (with 41 suppliers involved, mostly from network works and excavations), “Scope 3 - Supply Chain Sustainability and GHG Emission Data Collection” (3 meetings attended by 48 direct and indirect suppliers).

In addition, on ethical and anti-corruption issues, monthly online courses to new suppliers continue, organised in cooperation with the Italgas Legal Department.

For 2023, the Italgas Group’s goal is to set up supplier training on a single digitalised platform, accessible through the supplier portal, where a series of courses on ESG issues can be offered and where the presence and participation of suppliers in the courses provided can be monitored.